Protesting Femicide in Mexico
February 2020, Undervalued and exploited, ten women are killed in Mexico every day and these hate crimes against women are increasing. ...

February 2020, Photo taken by Gordon at a newspaper stand in the Zocalo, Mexico City Frida Kahlo has become a global icon but she is...

El Museo de la Mujer
February 2020, Visited El Museo de la Mujer in Mexico City in order to plan her exhibition there, planned for the summer of 2020; due to...

Lensculture Photography Competition
January 2020, Gordon's photographs are featured in the Lensculture Portrait Competition Gallery, which shows a highly curated group of...

Upcoming Solo Exhibition in Mexico City
July 2020, Opening July 6, Gordon will have a solo exhibition of her evolving series, The woman who becomes a bird Museo de la Mujer...

Upcoming Solo Exhibition in Guanajuato, Mexico
October 2020, Gordon will have a solo exhibition of her evolving series The Woman Who Becomes A Bird; due to the pandemic, this...

Studio New York City
September - December 2019, Working in New York City Studio

Fahrenheit Magazine
November 2019, Gordon's series, The woman who becomes a bird, is featured in Fahrenheit Magazine.

Work in progress
October 2019, Currently working on a photographic project con mis amigos Felicia y Edmundo

at the Guggenheim
June 2019, Mi Amiga Felicia and Mapplethorpe at the Guggenheim New York