Embodiments Medicina, Metafora, Metafisica
Museo della Specola, Florence, Italy, 2012 - 2013
Embodiments was Gordon's solo exhibition of sculpture, collage and video at La Specola Museum in Florence, Italy. Inspired by La Specola’s 18th century anatomical wax collection, this exhibition explored the question “What is embodied?” The works lay in the liminal space between medical practices and the poetics of the body; between the physical and the metaphysical, and between the historical and the contemporary views of the body.
Clare Brown of the University of London wrote: "Occasionally there is a contemporary art exhibition which is so profoundly moving and thought provoking that you almost forget it is 'of the moment' because it feels like it has or should always have existed. Everything the artist brings together blends so effortlessly and poetically . . . Her personal art/visual media was not just inspired by medical procedures and bodily trauma but it is a historical narrative of what it is to be Janice Gordon."